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SSC College Libraries Annual Review 2021-22

Spotlight on Information Literacy and Student Perceptions

A fundamental component of any successful library instruction program is assessment.  One type of assessment that we have been experimenting with is called Project Outcome, produced by the flagship organizations for academic libraries and designed to measure student perceptions of the instruction they receive.  Librarian Karen Kaufmann reflects below on that tool and how it has been applied so far at Seminole State.

ACRL Project Outcome

Narrative by Dr. Karen Kaufmann, Research and Instruction Librarian, Sanford/Lake Mary        

ACRL Project Outcome Research and Instruction Survey

The ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Project Outcome for Academic libraries provides a bank of standardized surveys to measure and analyze student perceptions of research and instruction sessions. The surveys measure four key outcomes: knowledge, application, confidence, and awareness. Project Outcome provides an array of standardized reporting and data analysis tools, which includes benchmarking, so we can compare our results across our institution, by Carnegie Class, and nationwideMost importantly, measuring these outcomes provides quantitative and qualitative data that informs the library of the perceived changes experienced by students that have had information literacy instruction. This provides an opportunity to see how information literacy instruction is perceived by students as effective, and impactful and where there may be instruction gaps.

Results from Seminole State in 2021-22

The data informs how information literacy is experienced by students and integrated by faculty into the curriculum and across disciplines. Using Project Outcome surveys ensures we have data reflecting the types of courses where information literacy instruction is requested. The survey results provide a snapshot of the four key outcomes in different disciplinary contexts. Further, there is potential for course student learning outcomes for information literacy to be tied to the Project Outcome survey outcomes. Project Outcome allows the librarians who teach information literacy to assess “What good did we do? and provides data for institutional reporting requirements from a validated survey instrument. In the Survey Report provided below as an example, ENC 1101 students were surveyed after their information literacy instruction in a class on campus. Of the 94 survey responses; 95 percent learned something new to help with their research (Knowledge), 91 percent felt about their ability to conduct research (Confidence), 95 percent intend to apply what they learned to their research (Application/New Skills), and 95 percent were more aware of resources and services provided by the library (Awareness of Resources). 

Survey Data Visualization - Project Outcome and ENC 1101