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SSC College Libraries Annual Review 2021-22

CCSSE Survey

The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) was last administered at the college in Spring 2021, but results specific to the library were not shared in the previous annual review, so they are presented here.  A total of 1,026 SSC students took the survey, and results are compared to three groups: five other FCS state colleges, 33 "extra-large" institutions (more than 15,000 students) across the nation, and 411 institutions across the nation.

CCSSE Survey Results - comparison

How often have you used the following services during the current academic year?

Compared to 12 other services, the library was the 2nd most frequently used service, only behind academic advising.  However, while the use of advising services was almost exactly the same in both the 2019 and 2021 surveys, the use of the library dropped precipitously, from a mean of 1.64 to 1.06 (on a scale of 0 to 3).  This would seem to be best explained by the reduction of campus library hours in the Spring of 2021 due to COVID restrictions.  However, as most colleges had reduced hours in the Spring of 2021, it does account for the score being considerably lower than the two cohorts.



How satisfied are you with the services?

Students were more satisfied with the library than any of the other 12 services, and the satisfaction score increased from 1.62 in 2019 to 1.74 in 2021.  That satisfaction score was higher than the FCS cohort and the Extra Large Colleges cohort.



How important are the services are to you at this college?

Students felt that the library was tied for the third most important service of the 13 listed, behind advising and counseling.  There was a small drop in this rating from the 2019 survey, and the numbers were comparable to those of the other two cohorts.


CCSSE Survey Results - details

How often have you used the following services during the current academic year?

Almost half of the students surveyed had not used the library in the previous year, a number which could again be attributed to a reduction in campus library hours.  However, the percentage of "never used" was significantly higher than the percentage for the other two cohorts.  The cohorts also had a considerably higher percentage of frequent (5 or more) users.


How satisfied are you with the services?

On a positive note, Seminole State students who did use the library had a much higher level of satisfaction than counterparts at institutions in the two cohorts.


How important are the services are to you at this college?

Students assigned a similar degree of importance for library resources and services when compared to the other cohorts.  However, it is interesting to note that more students valued the importance of the library (562) than actually indicated they used the library (493).