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College Libraries Strategic Planning

Actions, Outcomes, and Assessments

Below is the original map of actions, outcomes, and assessments developed by the Strategic Planning Workgroup:  This map provided the content to align to the college's Flight Plan 2025.  All actions were aligned with plans to be implemented in Fall 2021, with the exception of "Creating a Lesson Plan Repository" and "Creating a College Library Shell in Canvas."  Due to time constraints these actions will be considered for future implementation.

Strategic Planning Actions / Outcomes / Assessments





Information Literacy

Extend and build on current TEAMS Virtual Lesson Plan space started by Kellie P

Rename: IL Lesson Plan Repository

Librarians Develop methodology for storing repository content. / Facilitating the improvement and sharing of IL teaching process.

Librarians employ a variety of elements for teaching IL.

Librarians use repository elements for efficiencies teaching IL. / Librarians discover more techniques to improve information literacy practices.

Fall 2021 -Assess impact of IL Lesson Plan Repository by seeing increase of contributed repository IL lesson plans for IL Instruction across disciplines using new methodology.

Fall 2021 - Assess use of IL Lesson Plan Repository content by adding a line to the required Library Instruction Data Form (LibInsights) and Embedded Librarian Form (LibInsights) indicated if the librarian used or referred to content in the Repository to assess impact of shared IL Lesson Plan repository content..

Fall 2023 - This data can later be analyzed as to IL Instructional content integrated across disciplines at the College.

Information Literacy

Market the library to students in Canvas by creating a “College Library” tile course shell

Develop content for Library Canvas Course Shell to deliver and integrate library and information literacy content more seamlessly in a student centered and familiar information and learning environment in which students are doing course related work

Increase student and faculty awareness of information literacy.

Increase/involve student and faculty engagement with information literacy.

Assess use of Canvas Library Course Shell via Canvas Analytics.

Assess impact of use via Canvas analytics via time spent on pages and [learning](?)

Information Literacy

IL Literacy learning outcome

Students experience an increase in IL awareness and use of IL for academic work across the curriculum.

Pre-post or simply at end of semester student survey for measuring student understanding and awareness and application of predefined IL learning outcomes as defined in the LIS 2004 course, mapped to each Frame in the ACRL IL Framework for Higher Education.

Services and Spaces

Create field on circulation and reference form to track requests for textbooks we do not own.

Increase marketing of reserve collection to students and faculty.

Implement Controlled Digital Lending to offer single online copy access to students.

For textbooks where we have more than one copy, experiment with longer loan times: 3 days.

Partner with Student Government to organize a book drive for textbooks students donate to SG, who then donates to the library.

Outreach to faculty: ask for spare copies of high demand titles.

Implement Booking Requests for textbooks in Alma.

Market Course Readings Libguide at the circulation desks; continue to work to expand the available materials in this guide.

Marketing blurb for Norton Anthology in item record in catalog, print blurb on shelf with reserve copies, marketing blurb to faculty

Purchase additional textbook copies if demand is high for a specific title.

Enhance student access to textbooks and required readings through library reserves.

Assess circulation of textbooks on reserve through Alma.

Track usage of materials through controlled digital lending.

Track demand for new titles on reserve through Circulation and Reference form.

Track usage of Course Readings Libguide.

Track Booking Requests through Alma for reserve titles.

Services and Spaces

Increase diversity in visual representation in art, posters, and displays in the library; our art, posters, and displays should be as diverse as our student body is.

Open designated display cases to students, faculty, and staff using a LibCal booking module to increase community ownership of library spaces.

Increase student comfort with libraries’ physical spaces.

Diversity audit of art, posters, and signage: before and after.

Track usage and diversity of student/ staff/ and faculty displays in the library.

Survey students on diversity and welcome in libraries.

Services and Spaces

Create Library Staff FAQ to increase efficiency and customer service at IDS or circulation desk.

Add a tracking option for FAQs to the Circulation and Reference tracking form.

Create a culture of contribution to and usage of the internal and public FAQs for library staff.

Integrate FAQs into Libguides and Primo.

Survey library staff: did it answer your question? Did you use it? Did you create a ticket or FAQ?

Point person for circ related FAQs at each campus?

Students, staff, and faculty can easily access answers to commonly asked questions through Libguides, Primo, or Chat.

Track usage of FAQ by cooperative librarians

Track usage of FAQ (internal and public) by library staff.

Track creation of new FAQ items

Track usage of FAQ items by students, staff, and faculty.

Run reports on what users search FAQ for; add needed items to FAQ.

Collections and Resources

Acquire print copies of books that have been translated for the screen (series or movies on film and/or streaming services; focus on more recent/upcoming releases)

Accommodate student preferences for leisure materials

Conduct student surveys prior to establishing an official process for acquiring in-demand leisure materials; track ongoing circulation of leisure materials

Collections and Resources

Allow calculators and laptops to leave the Library

Increase students’ accessibility to Library collections and resources, particularly electronic/online resources

Track circulation of technology and ongoing usage of online resources

Partnerships, Outreach, and Marketing

Collaborate with DSS and eLearning when subscribing/purchasing electronic resources

To enhance the accessibility and usability of online library resources, the library will create a process to collaborate with staff from DSS and eLearning to ensure the resources under consideration will be accessible to all SSC students.

Library staff along with staff from eLearning and DSS will establish a smooth process to vet new resources to ensure usability and accessibility for students

Partnerships, Outreach, and Marketing

Collaborate with CTS to offer laptops and calculators to SSC students. (See Collections and Resources above)

Professional Development

Determine cross training or new skills needs for staff by department.

Determine skills staff and librarians have to share and provide training on how to train others.

Survey staff to align department needs and available skills for sharing with interests.

Determine and implement a reward system for motivation.

Increase employee job satisfaction by aligning staff interests to department needs for cross-training, job duties, and services. 

Survey staff about job satisfaction related to changes in cross-training, job duties, and services.

Debrief meeting for how to improve the process.