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SSC College Libraries Annual Review 2022-23

Physical Spaces

A combination of more on-campus courses and more co-curricular programming and engagement opportunities has led to a strong increase in gate count in all three campus libraries over the previous year.

Gate Count

Metric: A tally of the number of in-person visits to each of the three physical campus libraries.

Study Room Reservations

Metric: The number of reservations (bookings) of enclosed study rooms at three of the college's campus libraries.  Comparisons are between the current fiscal year and the previous fiscal year.

Reflection Room

In the Spring 2023 term, with the assistance of students and the Office of Disability Services, one of the study rooms at the Sanford/Lake Mary Library was renovated into a "Reflection Room," designed to provide a space within the library for students to practice mindfulness and relax.  The funding for the furnishings and other room renovations was provided by a Seminole State Foundation mini-grant.