The Libraries support the American Library Association's Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement and the Association of College and Research Libraries Statement on Academic Freedom. (see Appendices) The Libraries buy materials that stand for differing opinions and without censorship about controversial issues. The Libraries do not add or withdraw, at the request of any individual or group, material which has been chosen or excluded based on stated selection criteria. An individual or group questioning the appropriateness of material within the collection will be referred to the library director.
All requests for reconsideration of materials will be handled as follows:
- A written statement of concern must be given to the library director. The statement must include name, address, telephone number of email address, author/producer, title. Comments on the material as well as comments on the specific matters of concern, and a statement as to a satisfactory resolution of concern.
- The completed request form will be sent to the library director within one working day of its receipt by library staff. The director will review the challenged materials considering the criteria in the Collection Development Policy. Where appropriate, the director will seek advice from the librarians and/or faculty.
- Within one month, the library director will formulate a recommendation and send a written response to the patron explaining the Libraries position and the action that will be taken.