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Sustainability & Renewable Energy

Collage of images including business team at meeting table, data reports, transaction in a grocery store, woman in home office

S&RE Library Research - Business & Manufacture

When using the Library Search Engine (Primo), enter specific search terms to help narrow your focus. For example, searching for "Sustainable Business" is more helpful than simply searching for "Business" and—depending on your particular topic"Corporate Social Responsibility" or "Impact Investing" might be even better.

Consider also filtering your search results by media type (e.g. books, streaming videos &c) or arranging them by most recent publication date. Newer is not always better, but more recent scholarship does have the benefit of hindsight. Finding current information is especially important for fast-changing fields and technologies, whether it be materials science or corporate tax law.


If you find resources particularly helpful for your research interests, use the catalog entry to your advantage and search for other books or media with similar subject headings and keywords.

Example Topics in Sustainable Business & Manufacture

Sustainable Business

  • Triple Bottom Line (3BL)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    • Creating Shared Value (CSV)

    • Social License to Operate

    • Social Accounting

    • Fair Trade

  • Social Entrepreneurship

    • Benefit Corporation (B-Corp)

    • Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

    • Impact Investing

    • Shareholder Activism

  • Ecotourism

  • Ethical Marketing vs. Greenwashing

Industrial Design & Manufacture

  • EPA Design for the Environment Program

  • Biomimicry

  • Green Chemistry

    • Green Composites

    • Bioplastics

  • Rapidly Renewable Materials

Circular Economy

  • Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA)

  • Sustainable Materials Management (SMM)

    • Lean Manufacturing

    • Green Procurement

    • Supply Chain Management

    • Chemical Leasing

  • Cradle-to-Cradle vs. Cradle-to-Grave

  • Upcycle vs. Recycle

  • Sharing Economy

Markets & Economics

  • Ecological Economics

    • Environmental Full-Cost Accounting (EFCA)

    • Externality / Externalization

    • Tragedy of the Commons

    • Ecosystem Services

    • Steady-State Economy

  • Carbon Cap and Trade

  • Planetary Boundaries

    • Carrying Capacity

    • Green Growth vs. Degrowth vs. Post-Growth

    • Consumerism vs. Anti-Consumerism

    • Conspicuous Consumption

  • Dollar Voting

Databases for Articles in Business & Economics


  • Business Collection (Gale) - Business Collection is a comprehensive business database for all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice.

  • Business Insights: Essentials (Gale) - An excellent tool for researching company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, and business news from all sectors.

  • Regional Business News (EBSCO) - Regional Business News provides full text access to several regional business sources, mostly newspapers and other formats of news reports.

  • Small Business Resource Center (Gale) - Covers all major areas of starting, operating and maintaining a business. A very good source of business plans and financial planning information.

  • Social Science Journals (ProQuest) - The Social Science Journals database is an essential tool for finding peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of social science disciplines. Coverage areas include: anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.

  • JSTOR - A unique database focused on providing access to thousands of archival scholarly journals in many disciplines including the humanities, social science, and science. play button View a video tutorial or a printable handout on this database.


Open Access Journals for Sustainable Business & Manufacture


While many academic journals require a paid subscription, others may be "open-access," which means that their content is freely available to the public online. These can be an excellent resource for discovering new research, but it may also be very difficult to gauge the quality of the publication. For example: Is the content peer-reviewed? What standards must the scholarship meet?

Some scholars rely on journal rankings and "impact factor" to assess a journal's reliability. This system is imperfect, but is a helpful place to start. The Scimago Journal & Country Rank provides a searchable database on academic literature, journals, and citations.

Below are a few examples of open-access journals related to sustainable business and manufacture:


Ecological Economics



A journal concerned with extending and integrating our understanding of the interplay between ecosystems and the economy, and with conducting economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability and justice.

SJR 1.767

IF 3.895

Journal of Cleaner Production



An international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Focus areas include preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, resources, and human capital.

SJR 1.62

IF 6.395

Sustainable Materials & Technologies



An international, cross-disciplinary journal published by Elsevier that includes original full-length research articles and reviews related both to applied and fundamental sciences of nano-, micro-, meso-, and macro-scale aspects of materials and technologies for sustainable development.

SJR 1.548

IF 3.56

Sustainability Accounting, Management & Policy Journal

A journal featuring multidisciplinary approaches to improving social and environmental sustainability and mitigating the social and environmental consequences of climate change and related issues.

SJR 0.965

IF 2.2

Journal of Remanufacturing

An international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the long-term development of production cycle, waste and remanufacturing research.

SJR 0.92

IF 0.892

Journal of Management & Sustainability

An international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education, which highlights research in the fields of sustainable business management, environmental sustainability, and corporate social responsibility.


IF 4.18

Web Resources for Business


  • Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) - This global non-profit maintains a blog and publishes reports, primers, and case studies related on sustainability in business.

  • Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship - This organization publishes research and practical guidance for social entrepreneurs in the global market.

  • GreenBiz - An online platform the provides content on business, technology and sustainability.

  • All Business - A guide to small business ownership featuring expert advice on a wide range of entrepreneurial topics.

  • Bloomberg Business Week - Online portal to the Bloomberg Business Week magazine.

  • EconBiz - This resource offers access to business and economics related literature, a virtual reference material, and a calendar of scholarly conferences.

  • Federal Reserve Economic Research - This portal provides over 240,000 economic and time series data files, which can be used to analyze market trends and to aid in economic forecasting.

  • North American Industry Classification System - Federal statistical agencies use the NAICS standard to classify business establishments when collecting, analyzing, and publishing reports related to the U.S. business economy.

  • Orlando Business Journal - News source for business and industry in Central Florida.

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration - Government agency that provides tutorials and sample business plans to help prospective small business owners. The SBA also offers loan and grant opportunities.

  • Wall Street Journal - Electronic home of the Wall Street Journal, which provides industry information, news from around the world, and a worthwhile "Market Watch" section.

Web Resources for Economics


  • U. S. Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) - An interdisciplinary consortium of academics and practitioners focusing on theory, policy, and the implementation of sustainable development.

  • Bureau of Economic Analysis - An agency of the United States Government, the BEA collects data from national, international, regional, and industry-specific economies in order to produce estimates and analyzes.

  • History of Economic Thought - Collects the full text of writings from over 70 different important authors in the field of economics, including Francis Bacon, John Locke, Adam Smith, and many other notable figures.

  • Economics Network - Excellent directory to a vast collection of economic research found on the web. While it is based in the UK, the coverage is largely international so there is plenty of relevant research available.

  • The Economist - The website of The Economist magazine provides news, columns, ideas, and data on a variety of economic issues.

  • Measuring Worth - This site provides historical data on the most commonly cited economic indicators and allows users to calculate economic growth across years.

  • U.S. Economic Indicators - Monthly reports of important U.S. economic indicators like gross domestic product, income, employment, production, business activity, prices, money, credit, security markets, federal finance, and international statistics.

  • Economic Policy Institute - The Economic Policy Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank of economics experts aimed at researching economic policy as it relates to a broader scale of people. A wide range of issues are studied here, making it an ideal source of economic data and analysis.

  • Resources for Economists on the Internet - Sponsored by the American Economic Association, this extensive guide will connect you with many specialized resources related to a variety of economic issues and topics. Definitely worth a look for detailed information.