Pretty, Jules (Ed.). Sustainable Agriculture & Food. (2008) - eBook
Hinrichs, C. & Thomas Lyson. Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability. (2007) - eBook
Holthaus, Gary. From the Farm to the Table: What All Americans Need to Know About Agriculture. (2006) - eBook
Pretty, Jules (Ed.). Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture. (2005) - eBook
Laufer, Peter. Organic: A Journalist's Quest to Discover the Truth Behind Food Labeling. (2014) - HD9000.5 .L376
Lankford, Ronald (Ed.). Is Organic Food Better? (2011) - HD9000.5 .I814
Duram, Leslie. Encyclopedia of Organic, Sustainable, and Local Food. (2010) - eBook
Friedman, Lauri. Organic Food and Farming. (2010) - eBook
Reed, Matthew. Rebels for the Soil: The Rise of the Global Organic Food and Farming Movement. (2010) - eBook
Ronald, Pamela. Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. (2008) - TP248.65.F66 R66
Duram, Leslie. Good Growing: Why Organic Farming Works. (2006) - eBook
Guthman, Julie. Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California. (2004) - eBook
Online Resource
Somerville, Christopher; Moti Cohen; Edoardo Pantanella; Austin Stankus; & Alessandro Lovatelli. Small-Scale Aquaponic Food Production: Integrated Fish & Plant Farming. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2014. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4021e.pdf
Dziedzic, Nancy & Lynn M. Zott (Eds.). Urban Agriculture. (2012) - S494.5.U72 U72
Kaplan, Rachel. Urban Homesteading: Heriloom Skills for Sustainable Living. (2011) - GF78 .K36
Ladner, Peter. Urban Food Revolution: Changing the Way We Feed Cities. (2011) - S494.5.U72 L32
Pearson, Craig; Sarah Pilgrim; & Jules Pretty. Urban Agriculture: Diverse Activities and Benefits for City Society. (2010) - eBook
Carpenter, Novella. Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer. (2009) - S494.5.U72 C37