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Sustainability & Renewable Energy

Collage of images including government panel, protesting crowd, abstract painting, highway traffic, scene from a stage play

S&RE Library Research - Society

When using the Library Search Engine (Primo), enter specific search terms to help narrow your focus. For example, searching for "Social & Environmental Justice" is more helpful than simply searching for "Society" and—depending on your particular topic—"U.S. Environmental Policy" or "Eco-Feminism" might be even better.

Consider also filtering your search results by media type (e.g. books, streaming videos &c) or arranging them by most recent publication date. Newer is not always better, but more recent scholarship does have the benefit of hindsight. Finding current information is especially important for fast-changing fields and technologies, whether it be international environmental policy or sustainability in the arts.


If you find resources particularly helpful for your research interests, use the catalog entry to your advantage and search for other books or media with similar subject headings and keywords.

Example Topics in Sustainability & Society

Energy & Environmental Policy

  • Resource Management

  • Energy Security

    • Petropolitics

  • National Environmental Protections Act (NFPA)

    • Clean Air Act (CAA)

    • Clean Water Act (CWA)

    • Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

    • Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA)

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Superfund Site

  • Environmentalism

    • Grass Roots Activism

  • NIMBY vs. YIMBY-ism

  • Eco-Pragmatism

Sustainable Development

  • Ecological Footprint

  • Resilience

  • Circles of Sustainability

  • Circular Economy

    • Purple Economy

Culture, Ethics & Psychology

  • Environmental Ethics

  • The Anthropocene

  • Human Ecology

  • Eco-Feminism

  • Eco-Psychology

Social & Environmental Justice

  • Human Rights

  • Earth Democracy

    • Energy Democracy

    • Food Justice

    • Fair Trade

    • Water Is Life Movement

  • Environmental Sociology

    • Environmental Racism

    • Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

  • Environmental Toxicology

    • Indoor Air Pollution

  • Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW)

  • Climate Refugees

  • Neo-Colonialism

    • Modern Slavery & Forced Labor

    • Sweatshops

    • Prison Farms

  • Anti-Globalization Movement

  • Fast Fashion

Fine Arts, Literature & Criticism

  • Green Poets movement

  • Eco-Fiction

  • Eco-Criticism

  • Recycled & Salvaged Art

  • Eco-Aesthetics

  • Green Theatre

    • Broadway Green Alliance